While I've always known that you can control many of the applications running in OSX using applescript I have very rarely tried that myself.
Now, as I have a use case of semi-automation of skype video calling for the kids I started experimenting. I did buy a tikitag rfid reader on cheap which will be used for triggering the call.
Here's what will be triggered by the rfid tag. This simple script checks if person xxxxxx is online and tries to open a call if he is. At the same time the script enlarges the call window to full screen for maximum video size. I have added some text-to speech notifications just for sake of experimenting, most probably I will replace them later with recorded samples.
Edit: Updated the script a bit and framed it in
on SkypeCall(login)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
tell application "Skype"
set foo to send command "GET USER " & login & " ONLINESTATUS" script name "MyScript"
set UserStatus to my GetPart(foo, 4, " ")
if UserStatus is "ONLINE" then
say "soitan"
send command "CALL " & login script name "MyScript"
copy (run script "tell application \"Finder\" to desktop's window's bounds") to bounds of window 1
say "[a] onnnnissstu!"
end if
end tell
end SkypeCall
on GetPart(s, p, d)
set theList to every text item of s
return (item p of theList)
end GetPart
I used
this macoshints article as an example.